
Chains of fools?

I usually ignore the mail in the hotmail address I use for IMing. This is because it is filled with epic proportions of junk and spam. You'd think I plastered my email everywhere. But no. This is the work of my classmates.
So I finally did something I've been wanting to for a long, long time (I'll do the English version later. Go, Innovator Cosima!) - I started a Chain against Chain Mail. Or tDoaC (mirrors my worlds' names, doesn't it? My worlds are tDoaS, becuase if the stories keep expanding at this rate they'll implode upon themselves. "When you're ten miles up, and you're coming down you won't feel a thing when you hit the ground"* but it will sure make a momentous splat. I bet the world - or at least I - would majorly feel it.) - the Death of all Chains, which may be the title of the English version I have yet to do.
Let me know if anyone's done this before, but I'm fairly proud of it.
Spanish version, for anyone quien hable casteliano (or just plain spanish)

No te molesta cuantos cadenas te han mandando todo el tiempo? Preguntas a tus amigos que no lo hagan, pero todavia los envian.
He decidido que ya es el tiempo a pelear al fuego con fuego.
Y por eso estoy empezando una cadena contra cadenas.
No prometo suerte, amor, ni nada mas que, a lo mejor, un dia, ya no hubiera cadenas, solo personas conversando en lugar que no utilizar su email porque estan tan enfadados de cadenas.
Si estas conmigo en esto, pon el nombre con cual te quieres identificar abajo (y, si te antoja, tu pais o continente, o... algo de informacion) y envialo a los que piensas que lo apreciarian, y a el o ella quien te lo envio para que ellos saben que lo soportas. A lo mejor ellos lo regresarian a mi, para que veo como va mi proyecto.
Cosima Rose, 4 de Septiembre del 2007

1. Cosima Rose, Mexico.

So, are you with me?
Spanish speakers: take one down, pass it around, plenty of anti-chain** left on the e-wall.
Hey, it doesn't have that much ring to it, but it's a good cause: the extinction of chain mail that is stupid, misspelled, and just wants you to forward it and - as one of the ones I came across said - press F6 to see the name of your true love. Yeah, right! What does F6 do? I only know F4, which a friend of mine pressed once when some guy on an RPG said it would get you a zillion gold.
He shut the window and lost all his progress.
Bitter fruit of the crazy-chain people. Time to fight fire with fire. I'm quite aware that this may sound like I've finally not only gone 'round the bend, but circled back and passed by again, but I am SERIOUS. And seriously ANNOYED.

English coming soon.

*Jonathan Coulton, "Pull the String", The Thing A Week Project. It be awesome. It belongs to him.
**Think anti-client, as in So Yestarday, as in Scott Westerfeld.

[UPDATE at 11:17AM on the same day] It is so pathetic that I was amazed that I managed to get my unread mail count below 100. Under fifty and I think I'm dreaming. This is what I'm trying to stop. I have friends who are SUPER mad at me because I haven't answered them, it's because I avoid that email like the plauge. THIS HAS TO STOP. [/UPDATE and RANT]

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